Thursday, 17 January 2013

Gender in India - Will recent protests help to lower rape and violence against women in India?

Approximately one month ago, several men were arrested for gang raping a woman on a moving bus in India. The 23 year old medical student later died in a Singapore hospital. This week, 5 men were arrested for a similar incident in the Punjab on a 12 year old girl.

This has sparked protests across India about gender issues women's rights.  But will this die down when these key news stories come out of the limelight? Or will it have an impact on the way that women are treated in India today?

Here you can see the protest at India gate in Delhi in December. This publicity on the gang rape of the 23 year old back in December sparked a national cry for justice for women throughout India.  Many people in India are supporting women's rights and more equality. Many campaign for a better justice system through marches and protests. Youths of India's middle class have taken to social media such as Twitter and Facebook to express their outrage. According to Kavita Krishnan, a leading figure in the Delhi protests, it has pushed issues of gender into areas of political debate (CBC News).

Many rape cases in India go unreported due to the stigma associated with being a rape victim. Every 22 minutes a rape is reported in India, so in reality, figures are estimated to be much higher. Perhaps given the recent publicity, more women will become empowered to speak up. However, it is important to remember that India is extremely diverse and contains cultural variations within the country itself.

Despite the mass publicity and protest spurred by the recent rape cases, violence against women doesn't seem to have lowered in India since the publicity of these attacks. According to NDTV, the government is still struggling to respond to the public outcry.

What does the future hold for women in India? Do you think that violence attacks against women will be reduced following the recent protests? Please leave your comments on our blog.


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