Monday, 19 November 2012

Why Poverty? A new series of 8 Documentaries by the BBC

Why Poverty?

Tonight will be the first in the series of 8 programmes asking Why Poverty in the 21st Century?  The series was created by the non-profit organisation Steps International.  The BBC and the Open University collaborate with NGO's and more than 70 broadcasters around the world, hosting a contemporary debate about poverty. The series is edited by Nick Fraser and Directed by Brian Hill. It is screened across 180 countries.

Programme 1: Four Born Every Second

The first programme will air at 10.35pm on BBC1, and is called 'Four Born every Second'.  The first in the series asking the all important question 'Why Poverty', focuses on childbirth and infant mortality.

Four Born Every Second BBC1
130 million babies are born each year, but the circumstances and country of their birth will determine their life story. Brian Hill travels from the UK to America, Cambodia and Sierra Leone to reveal some shocking facts about childbirth in developing countries.

The Series: Why Poverty?
  1. Four Born every Second
  2. Give us the Money
  3. Stealing Africa
  4. Park Avenue - Money, Power and The American Dream
  5. Poor us - An animated History of Poverty
  6. Solar Mamas
  7. The Great Land Rush
  8. China's Ant People
Follow this link to read more about Why Poverty? 

Oh, and one more is World Toilet Day! Find out more here.

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